11 Popular Korean Street Food / Korean Convenience Food in USA

Korean street food

Ever eaten a dish that is fulfilling, sweet, spicy and healthy too! Yes, I am talking about the trendy Korean foods that have been surfacing on the internet now a days. These Korean convenience stores give you a variety of Korean Street Food options to select. You could easily have a warm snack, all made and eaten by yourself.

By now I know, you are a munchee, food is your bae and eating healthy is now the only option. Here are some of the Korean street food commonly available at your nearest street vendors or Korean stores.

  • Korean Corn Dog / Korean Hot Dog : Korean hot dogs are made with sausages or mozzarella cheese , or combination of both. The sausage and/or cheese is pierced on a long skewer. It is then coated with a thick mixture of all purpose flour, egg, sugar and salt. To further make it crispier, it is then coated with another layer of breadcrumb or French fries. Once deep fried, it is eaten with a last layer of some sugar, mustard sauce and ketchup.

This delicious hot dog is a common Korean street food.  The Korean people suggests their tourist to have this dish atleast once on their visit.  This looks very similar to the hot dogs in America however this is more on the sweeter side.

Korean street food
  • Instant Noodles : Korean instant noodles are favourites of many youtubers online. The super spicy red hot noodles are easily available on amazon or in your nearest Korean convenience store. The process of many these noodles are simple. Open the lid of the noodles cup, pour hot water, put the spicy mix in the cup, close lid for 2mins and tadaa, you have your instant snack ready. ‘

These noodles will take you on a spicy and flavour-some ride. Not eating them is not an option. Many people pair these noodles, with some sweet Korean juice, only to balance the kick you get from these noodles.

Korean street food
  • Tteokbokki : Tteokbokki or simmered rice cake is a popular Korean food. The rice cakes are made up of rice flour and water, in small, long and cyclindrical shape.  These cakes are served with hot and spicy Korean sauce, along with fish pieces and some boiled egg.

        To avoid the hastle, you can buy tteokbokki from any Korean convenience stores too. The instant tteokbokki are easy to make, just like instant noodles,you can cook them within 2mins.

Tteokbokki : Korean Street Food
  • Hotteok : I am sure many of you have pancakes and cereal as you first meal. Well, here is a level up of your regular pancakes. Koreans street vendors sells these stuffed pancakes. Which are sweet, soft as well as crispy. Koreans eat hotteok as a desert too.
Hotteok : Korean Street Food
  • Binggrae’s Banana Flavored Milk : Banana flavoured Milk is a typical Korean beverage. It is a Go to drink, and feels like a banana smootie in a thinner form. The Koreans love it. And I’m sure this suits the American taste buds too.
Korean Street Food
  • Kimchi : Now I don consider kimchi as a main dish, however these are siders. Like we get fries everywhere in America as a side dish, the Koreans prefer having a spicy vegetable pickle as a sider. Not only in restaurants but the Korean household make this as a tradition and consume this almost daily! Kimchi is a mixture of  Korean chilli, Garlic, ginger, cabbage, radish and carrots. Kimchi is made and stored in glass jars. Kimchi is consumed with noodles, rice and even soups.
Kimchi : Korean Street Food
  • Korean street Toast : Here an extremely healthy breakfast option for you.Korean toast are made with egg nd vegetable omelette, some ham, some American cheese, ketchup  and mayoisse all closed under 2 slices of white bread. This is a go to breakfast for Korean people. And I am sure, if you are trying to loose some of those extra inches, this is a perfect replacement to your unhealthy sandwich.
Korean Street Food
  • Fruit Soju : Fruit Soju are delicious fruit juices, having slight alchohol content. The Fruit soju is a great companion for any spicy food. The Korean women love them. These are easily available as a street side drink and also in Korean convenience stores. There are many flavours in fruit soju like blueberry, strawberry, plum, apple mango, lychee, etc.
Korean Street Food
  • Hot Bar : If you want to find delicious food at a Korean convenience store, Hot Bar is the perfect choice for you. Hot bar looks like sausages and are made up of pork , chicken sea food etc. Like your regular sausages, you don’t need to cook hot bar. Just tear the package, warm the hot bar in microwave and tadda your instant hot and spicy sausage bar is ready to eat.
Korean Street Food
  • Milkis : Milk with soda is a rare combination. But apparently, Koreans can make such weird combos workable. Imagine buying a cola with some vanilla ice- cream, you let the ice cream melt in the soda, ya that’s how the milkis will taste like. Sound weird, but worth giving a try.
Korean Street Food
  • Kimbap : Last but not the least, we have kimbap on the list. Kimbap is not a regular Japanese sushi. Kimbap is sticky rice, seasoned with sesamy oil,rolled in sea weed. And stuffed with vegetable or meat in the centre, it is different to japanse sushi as the rice in sushi is seasoned with vinegar.

This is a must try for people who like trying out new food.

Korean Street Food

Well, I believe you are now an expert in Korean food. To summarize, Korean food are spicy yet flavourful, massive yet healthy, trendy yet traditional. Do try these dishes out and let us know how was you experience.

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